Thanks for your comment, Maryan.
I understand what you mean by 'AHA moment' but prefer to let my work speak for itself. Respectfully, mandating a specific formula with a neat conclusion at the end feels to me a little like spoon-feeding children. I understand if that approach does not suit PW's brand. If you had simply told me that, I would have left it at that.
However, the specific defining of what 'pragmatic wisdom' is along with the suggestion I change my message altogether by combating my desires struck me as leaving the realm of editing altogether. I still question it.
As for changes I made to my draft, all I did was remove an extra comma that you pointed out but left everything else as is before submitting it to the Haven, so I'm unsure what you mean about that.
I found Matthew Clapham and Robert Gowty's comments to this piece on point and wonder if you should consider their point of view when editing going forward.
Either way, we can respectfully agree to disagree on what falls within and outside the realm of editing. At no point did I think I was 'unkind' to you as James seemed to imply and at no time did I think you were unkind to me. It is the assumptions behind your editing suggestions that I questioned and still do. That's all.